Hothouse was developed by Field Notes for Tate St Ives Collective’s Circuit SWITCH festival which took place in September 2016. Circuit SWITCH was a weekend of art, music, workshops and exhibitions initiated by local young people and held at venues across St Ives, as part of a four year national programme connecting 15-25 year olds to the arts. The Hothouse was a fully facilitated space designed to fuel curiosity and conversation; somewhere to find out more about self organisation and getting started; to ask questions and share thoughts with other young people; to kickstart your own ideas and discover how other people made theirs a reality. Drop in sessions were held on Porthmeor Beach, including specially designed resources and live interviews with artists and arts organisations.

Hothouse was developed as part of Circuit, a four year national programme led by Tate and supported by funds from the Paul Hamlyn Foundation.
GET IN TOUCH: development of this website was supported by Cultivator Cornwall