Georgia’s practice takes many different forms, ranging from absurd performative actions and quasi-practical sculptural objects to snappy video works and curious ceramics. She is also the instigator of far reaching collaborations and independent projects.
We first worked with Georgia as a bursary holder for Penryn Arts Festival in 2017 when she was at the early stages of working out how her allotment might act as a site for arts practice, now it hosts a shed paint-matched to the colour of a handful of worms and is home to the Allotment Club residency and project space. In keeping with the festival’s theme of skill sharing Georgia also came up with a simple and brilliant idea for artistic exchange through the exchange of a set of instructions Forced Collaboration.
There’s a wry humour and attention to the smaller details of life that underpins her work as well as a straightforward instinctive approach to working with contemporary rural settings and concerns.

Images: Nobody said it was easy, 2020 / Cheek to cheek, as installed for Unbounded, 2019, photo Steve Tanner / Cheek to cheek, as installed for Unbounded, 2019, photo Eden Project
GET IN TOUCH: development of this website was supported by Cultivator Cornwall